Baylor Returns to Normal Operations on Monday

February 21, 2021

Follow Baylor University on Twitter: @Baylor

2/21 UPDATE: Baylor Returns to Normal Operations on Monday

WACO, Texas (Feb. 21, 2021) – On Monday, Feb. 22, Baylor University will return to normal operations with on-campus instruction and on-campus work. Please be advised that clean-up and restoration continues in some facilities and on the grounds, so we ask for your patience and understanding while our facilities teams work to resolve any building issues caused by the winter storm.

The Louise Herrington School of Nursing also will return to normal operations on Monday.


Regular weekly COVID-19 testing will resume on Monday for students, faculty and staff at all campus locations. Getting tested is especially critical since testing operations were interrupted for several days due to the winter storms. Please ensure you complete testing each week while following all health precautions, including face mask wearing and putting distance between you and others.

There will be no COVID-19 testing compliance enforcement for the week of Feb. 8-12 or Feb. 15-19, but compliance resumes this week.


Off-campus students who have ongoing needs due to loss of utilities should contact for additional support.


Baylor Health Services will return to normal operations. For regular health care appointments, call 254-710-1010 or make an appointment online through the Health Portal log-in at

The COVID-19 Testing Clinic and the Respiratory Clinic at the North Village Community Center will be open.

The COVID-19 Testing Clinic is for symptomatic or exposed patients. All appointments will need to be made online through the Health Portal log-in.

If students are experiencing other respiratory symptoms, please call Health Services at 254-710-1010 to make an appointment for the Respiratory Clinic.


Baylor Dining plans to have all residential and retail restaurants open on Monday with the exception of Memorial.


The Baylor University Shuttle (BUS) will resume all regular routes on Monday. All parking lots and garages are in full operation with regular enforcement beginning Monday.

2/19-21 UPDATE: Weekend Operations

WACO, Texas (Feb. 19, 2021) – On Monday, the University plans for on-campus instruction and on-campus work. However, please remain understanding and flexible, as some building operations may be impacted due to weather-related issues. Below are services available over the weekend. ON-CAMPUS DINING As the weather situation improves, Baylor Dining continues to open more locations for residential and retail restaurants. Please check Baylor Dining social media on Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates. The Store (room 047 on the lower level, east wing of the Sid Richardson Building) is open Saturday from noon to 3 p.m. with food and hygiene items for students in need. Bring your Baylor ID card for swipe access. LIBRARIES/STUDENT LIFE CENTER Moody and Jones Libraries will be open Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and open regular hours on Sunday. Starbucks will be open as well. The McLane Student Life Center (SLC) will be open Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 8 p.m. for recreation. BAYLOR HEALTH SERVICES The Respiratory Clinic at North Village Community Center will be open Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. COVID testing will be available for students who need it, but you must make an appointment online through the Health Portal log-in at If students are experiencing other respiratory illnesses and need to see a physician, call 254-710-1010 starting at 11 a.m. Saturday for an appointment.


Baylor expects to resume COVID-19 testing on campus next week and will provide an update to students, faculty and staff over the weekend. With the winter storms disrupting campus services, there will be no COVID-19 testing compliance for last week (Feb. 8-12) or this week (Feb. 15-19). However, when testing resumes, it is extremely important that you ensure you complete your weekly testing appointment.

OFF-CAMPUS STUDENT NEEDS Off-campus students with ongoing housing-related needs due to a loss of utilities can contact for additional support. The McLane Student Life Center (SLC) also remains available through Saturday as a warming location. OFF-CAMPUS ISSUES WITH POWER, WATER For Work Requests for ON-CAMPUS academic, administrative and residential facilities, including issues regarding heat and power, contact the Baylor Facilities’ Service Response Center at 254-710-1361 or online. If OFF-CAMPUS students living in non-university housing are experiencing power or water outages: --Power Outages: Contact landlord or building management. Call ONCOR ELECTRIC 24/7 to report power outages at 888-313-4747. --Natural Gas: Suspected leaks, first call 911 and then Atmos Energy Natural Gas Emergency at 866-322-8667. For outages and service, contact landlord or building management or Atmos Customer Service at 888-286-6700, Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Central). --Water: Contact landlord or building management or call the City of Waco Water Utility Services at 254-299-2489 (CITY).

10AM, 2/19 UPDATE: SUB food court, Common Grounds, Guess BBQ food truck open today; BUS route from University Parks Apartments to East Village; Care Team available for off-campus students with ongoing needs

The SUB food court (Chick-fil-A, Steak 'N Shake) is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today (Friday). Common Grounds is also open. Food Truck Friday will feature Guess Family BBQ during lunch hours today, beginning approximately 11:30 a.m. Please follow Baylor Dining on Instagram and Facebook for updates on residential and retail restaurants. Waco Transit will run a modified Red route today from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. from University Parks Apartments to East Village. Moody Library and the McLane Student Life Center (SLC) will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today. Moody Starbucks is open. Normal hours are anticipated for Jones and Moody Libraries on Saturday and Sunday. The SLC also remains available today and tonight as a warming station and a place to stay for off-campus students without power or water at their apartments or homes. Off-campus students with ongoing needs can contact for additional support. The Store (room 047 on the lower level, east wing of the Sid Richardson Building) is open today from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from noon to 3 p.m. with food and hygiene items for students in need. Bring your Baylor ID card for swipe access. Baylor Health Services is providing students with telehealth appointments and prescription transfers. Please email for assistance. The Respiratory Clinic at North Village Community Center will be open Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. COVID testing will be available for students who need it, but you must make an appointment online through the Health Portal log-in at If students are experiencing other respiratory illnesses and need to see a physician on Saturday, call 254-710-1010 starting at 11 a.m. Saturday for an appointment.


Baylor is currently working through the logistics of resuming COVID-19 testing on campus next week. With the winter storms disrupting campus services, there will be no COVID-19 testing compliance for last week (Feb. 8-12) or this week (Feb. 15-19). However, when testing resumes, it is extremely important that you ensure you complete your weekly testing appointment.

3PM, 2/18 UPDATE: Baylor University to Hold Classes by Remote Instruction, Employees to Telework on Friday, Feb. 19

WACO, Texas (Feb. 18, 2021) – Baylor University will hold classes by remote instruction on Friday, Feb. 19, while employees will telework, as conditions have improved on-campus and in the immediate vicinity.

Faculty may provide accommodations for students who still may be without power/Internet, but having class tomorrow will eliminate the need to add an additional make-up class day later in the semester. The University’s academic calendar was already compressed due to beginning the semester a week later and ending a week early due to COVID-19. A revised academic calendar will be issued in the future.

With classes moving to remote instruction, employees are expected to telework during this time. Employees should discuss specific work expectations with their supervisor.

On Monday, the University plans for on-campus instruction and on-campus work. However, please remain understanding and flexible, as some building operations may be impacted due to weather-related issues.

For Dallas nursing campus, please watch email for instructions from Interim Dean Plank.


Moody Library is open until 5 p.m. today. Moody Library and the McLane Student Life Center (SLC) will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday for those without Internet access. Normal hours are anticipated for Jones and Moody Libraries on Saturday and Sunday.

The SLC also will continue to remain open as an emergency location for off-campus students without power or water at their apartments or homes. This location will remain open until the weather and power situation improves across our area.


Today and Friday, Baylor Health Services is providing students with telehealth appointments and prescription transfers. Please email for assistance.

The Respiratory Clinic at North Village Community Center will be open Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. COVID testing will be available for students who need it, but you must make an appointment online through the Health Portal log-in at If students are experiencing other respiratory illnesses and need to see a physician on Saturday, call 254-710-1010 starting at 11 a.m. Saturday for an appointment.

COUNSELING CENTER The Baylor Counseling Center continues to remain available for students at 254-710-2467, 24 hours a day.


The SUB is currently closed. Penland and East Village will be open for dinner from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Locations and hours will be posted on Baylor Dining Instagram and Facebook.

The Store (room 047 on the lower level, east wing of the Sid Richardson Building) is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with food and hygiene items for students in need. Bring your Baylor ID card for swipe access. Email for more information.


Baylor is currently working through the logistics of resuming COVID-19 testing on campus and will notify students, faculty and staff when regular weekly testing resumes. With the winter storms disrupting campus services, there will be no COVID-19 testing compliance for last week (Feb. 8-12) or this week (Feb. 15-19). However, when testing resumes, it is extremely important that you ensure you complete your weekly testing appointment.


Additional updates will be communicated via the Baylor website, email and University social media, including @Baylor on Twitter.

11AM, 2/18 UPDATE


Today and Friday, Baylor Health Services is providing students with telehealth appointments and prescription transfers. Please email for assistance.

The Respiratory Clinic at North Village Community Center will be open Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. COVID testing will be available for students who need it, but you must make an appointment online through the Health Portal log-in at If students are experiencing other respiratory illnesses and need to see a physician on Saturday, call 254-710-1010 starting at 11 a.m. Saturday for an appointment.

COUNSELING CENTER The Baylor Counseling Center continues to remain available for students at 254-710-2467, 24 hours a day.


Baylor is currently working through the logistics of resuming COVID-19 testing on campus, and the University will notify all students, faculty and staff when regular weekly testing resumes. With the winter storms disrupting campus services, there will be no COVID-19 testing compliance for last week (Feb. 8-12) or this week (Feb. 15-19).


The SUB is closed today (Thursday, Feb. 18), but the Mail Center window will be open from noon to 3 p.m. for package/mail pick up of items delivered before weather conditions impacted campus. Please note that there are no carrier deliveries today. Access is available only through the door on the MP Daniel (Bear Habitat) side of the building.

9PM, 2/17 UPDATE

ON-CAMPUS DINING Penland and East Village will be open for breakfast Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m., lunch from noon to 3 p.m. and dinner from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Retail hours will be posted on Baylor Dining social media as locations are staffed and opened: Instagram @baylordining and Facebook at NURSING CAMPUS IN DALLAS EMERGENCY WARMING LOCATION The Baylor University Louise Herrington School of Nursing (LHSON) Clinical and Simulation Building, 3700 Worth St. in Dallas, is open to LHSON students only who are in an emergency situation without power, heat or water at their apartments or homes. For more information, see the LHSON website.

3:45PM, 2/17 UPDATE: Baylor University to Remain Closed on Thursday, Feb. 18

WACO, Texas (Feb. 17, 2021) – Due to ongoing instability with power infrastructure in Waco and across the state, the Baylor University Waco campus again will be closed on Thursday, Feb. 18. No remote classes or telework.

We anticipate improvements in the infrastructure throughout the day on Thursday. Students and faculty should prepare for remote instruction on Friday. Staff should prepare for telework. A decision about Friday will be made Thursday afternoon.

We ask that students living off-campus, faculty and staff do not come back to campus until Monday.

For Dallas nursing campus, please watch email for instructions from Interim Dean Plank.


The McLane Student Life Center is open as an emergency warming location, limited to students who are in an emergency situation without power, heat or water at their apartments or homes. This location will remain open until the weather and power situation improves across our area.

COVID-19 health and safety precautions are in place including required mask wearing and social distancing. All recreational facilities remain closed. No pets are allowed. Bring items such as chargers, power cords, sleeping bags or blankets, a towel and toiletries for showers, refillable water bottles and snacks.

Students should plan to arrive at the SLC no later than 10 p.m., when doors will be locked for security purposes. If access is needed after 10 p.m., call the phone number posted on the door.


Moody Library study spaces will be open to students from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Normal hours are anticipated for Jones and Moody Libraries along with Starbucks on Saturday and Sunday.


Penland will be open to students from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. tonight for dining service. Please check Baylor Dining social media for the dining updates: Instagram @baylordining and Facebook at


The Store in room 047 on the lower level of the Sid Richardson Building has been restocked with food and hygiene items for Baylor students in need. The Store is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. the rest of the week. Students should bring their Baylor ID card for swipe access. Email for more information.


Additional updates will be communicated via the Baylor website, email and University social media, including @Baylor on Twitter. Please continue to monitor local media outlets for the latest weather forecast.

2PM, 2/16 UPDATE: Baylor University to Remain Closed on Wednesday, Feb. 17

WACO, Texas (Feb. 16, 2021) – Due to continued widespread power outages and additional winter precipitation forecasted this evening, classes (including remote instruction) and telework arrangements for staff are canceled for Wednesday, Feb. 17. For Dallas nursing campus, please watch email for instructions from Interim Dean Plank. EMERGENCY WARMING LOCATION MOVES TO SLC An emergency warming location will open at 4 p.m. today at the McLane Student Life Center, limited to students who are in an emergency situation without power, heat or water at their apartments or homes and have no other options. This location will remain open until the weather and power situation improves across our area. Students must adhere to COVID-19 health and safety precautions, including required mask wearing and social distancing. Staff will be onsite to help ensure protocols are followed. All recreational facilities remain closed. No pets are allowed. Items to bring:

  • Phone chargers, power cords and any personal items to keep you comfortable, such as sleeping bags or blankets, if you need to stay overnight.
  • Shower facilities will be available for students. Please bring a towel and toiletries.
  • No food or drink will be provided, but microwaves will be available for use. Please bring a refillable water bottle. Water bottle filling locations are available in the SLC.

Students should plan to arrive at the SLC no later than 10 p.m., when doors will be locked for security purposes. If access is needed after 10 p.m., call the phone number posted on the door. LOCATIONS OPEN TODAY The SUB and Moody Library study spaces are open until 5 p.m. today.

The Store – located in room 074 on the lower level of the Sid Richardson Building – has been restocked with food and hygiene items. The Store is open until 5 p.m. today and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow, pending weather conditions. Email for more information.

ON-CAMPUS DINING Penland will be open from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. for dinner service. Please check Baylor Dining social media for the latest updates: Instagram @baylordining and Facebook at


Additional updates will be communicated via the Baylor website, email and University social media, including @Baylor on Twitter. Please continue to monitor local media outlets for the latest weather forecast.

Waco TV KWTX-TV Ch. 10 (cable Ch. 2, CBS)
KCEN-TV Ch. 6 (cable Ch. 3, NBC)
KXXV-TV Ch. 25 (cable Ch. 5, ABC)
KWKT-TV Ch. 44 (cable Ch. 44, FOX)
Newspaper Waco Tribune-Herald
Baylor Lariat Radio WACO-FM 99.9
KWTX-FM 97.5
KBGO-FM 95.7
KBRQ-FM 102.5
KWTX-AM 1230
KWBU-FM 103.3
KLRK-FM 92.9
KRZI 1660AM, 92.3FM
KWOW-FM 104.1
KBW-AM 1010
KWBT-FM 94.5
Magic 104.5
104.9 BOB FM

11AM, 2/16 UPDATE: Baylor University Closed on Tuesday, Feb. 16; No Remote Instruction, No Telework

EMERGENCY WARMING LOCATION TODAY The SUB remains open as an emergency location until 5 p.m. today limited to students who have lost power at their apartments or homes. Please follow all COVID-19 health and safety precautions, including mask wearing and social distancing. No pets are allowed. The University will provide an update on operations later today. HEALTH SERVICES Students who need to see a Baylor Health Services provider or refill a prescription through Baylor Pharmacy can email for assistance. Health Services is able to provide telehealth appointments and transfer prescriptions even while the University remains closed due to the inclement weather.

9AM, 2/16 UPDATE: Baylor University Closed on Tuesday, Feb. 16; No Remote Instruction, No Telework

ON-CAMPUS DINING Penland breakfast hours today (Tuesday) are from 9 to 11 a.m. Lunch service will be from noon to 3 p.m. Please check Baylor Dining social media for the latest updates: Instagram @baylordining and Facebook at LIBRARY Study spaces only in Moody Library are open today (Tuesday) from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For updates, please check the Baylor Libraries website or social media @baylorlibraries on @Twitter and Facebook. BUS/Parking


The Baylor University Shuttle (BUS) will not be running today (Tuesday). Parking on campus is open today (Tuesday) with or without a permit.

3:53PM, 2/15 UPDATE: Baylor University Closed on Tuesday, Feb. 16; No Remote Instruction, No Telework

Due to continued widespread impact from historic winter weather, Baylor University will close the Waco campus tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 16. There will be no remote instruction and no telework on Tuesday. With another winter storm in the forecast tomorrow night through Thursday, the University will make a decision tomorrow afternoon about Wednesday operations and provide an update to the campus community. Emergency Warming Location Opens at 4 p.m. At 4 p.m., the Bill Daniel Student Center will open as an emergency warming location that is strictly limited to students who are in an emergency situation without power, heat or water at their apartments or homes and have no other options. The SUB will remain open overnight with strict adherence to COVID-19 health and safety precautions: Mask wearing and social distancing are required. Staff will be onsite to help ensure protocols are followed. Please be aware that driving conditions on local roadways and the interior of campus are hazardous due to snow and ice, so please use extreme caution if you must leave your residence. Items to bring: Phone chargers if you need to charge your phone and go, or any personal items to keep you comfortable, such as sleeping bags or blankets, if you need to stay overnight. ON-CAMPUS DINING Penland will be open tonight for dinner service from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Please check Baylor Dining social media for the latest updates: Instagram @baylordining and Facebook at LIBRARY Study spaces in Moody Library will be open tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please check the Baylor Libraries website for updates.

9:26AM, 2/15 UPDATE: Classes, Telework Canceled Monday, Feb. 15, at Baylor University

WACO, Texas (Feb. 15, 2021) - Due to widespread power and Internet outages throughout the Waco area, classes and telework at Baylor University are canceled today, Monday, Feb. 15, 2021. The University will provide another update later today. Without much flexibility in the academic calendar due to COVID-19 adjustments, we will have to make up the class day later this semester. NURSING DALLAS CAMPUS At this time, the Louise Herrington School of Nursing in Dallas is holding classes by remote instruction. Nursing students should continue to monitor email for updates from Interim Dean Plank. LIBRARY Study spaces only are open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today (Monday, Feb. 15) in Moody Library. ON-CAMPUS DINING Penland and East Village are open for lunch service from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Memorial is closed. Please check Baylor Dining social media for the latest updates on residential and retail restaurants: Instagram @baylordining and Facebook at

Baylor University Waco Campus Moves to Remote Instruction, Telework on Monday, Feb. 15, 2021

WACO, Texas (Feb. 14, 2021) - Due to the forecast of winter precipitation in Waco beginning this afternoon, Baylor University will move to remote instruction/telework on Monday, Feb. 15, 2021. Students, faculty and staff should be prepared to continue remote instruction/telework through Wednesday if conditions continue to deteriorate. The University will provide another update on Monday afternoon.

For Dallas nursing campus, please watch email for instructions from Interim Dean Plank.


Classes on Monday, Feb. 15, will shift to remote instruction. Faculty, staff and students should prepare for the potential of online classes through Wednesday.


Employees are expected to telework on Monday, Feb. 15, if possible, and prepare for the potential to telework through Wednesday. Employees should discuss specific work expectations with their supervisor.

Health Services/COVID Testing

Baylor Health Services and all COVID-19 testing locations on campus are closed on Monday, Feb. 15.

Because of the hazardous travel conditions, students who are experiencing symptoms should isolate in place AND call Health Services at 254-710-1010 to reach an on-call nurse. This will ensure that the University begins its process to check on students who are ill or need assistance.

If students feel they must travel to seek testing or treatment, please seek locations close to campus such as Premier ER or testing at pharmacies like CVS or Walgreens.

On-campus Dining

TODAY: Penland and East Village will be open from 5 to 9 p.m. In addition, Moody Library is open through 5 p.m. today.

MONDAY: Penland is anticipating opening at 9 a.m. Based on available staffing, East Village and Memorial also could open at 9 a.m.

SUB retail restaurants, Brooks Dining and McMullen-Connally Faculty Center are closed Monday.

Please check Baylor Dining social media for updates on residential and retail restaurants: Instagram @baylordining and Facebook at


Moody Library will have study space only available to students from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday.


The Baylor University Shuttle (BUS) will not be running on Monday. Parking on campus is open on Monday with or without a permit.

University Operations

The Baylor Bookstore, Mail Center in the SUB and the Copy Center in Morrison Hall will be closed on Monday.

Additional Updates

Additional updates will be communicated via the Baylor website, email and University social media, including @Baylor on Twitter. Please continue to monitor local media outlets for the latest weather forecast.

Waco TV KWTX-TV Ch. 10 (cable Ch. 2, CBS)
KCEN-TV Ch. 6 (cable Ch. 3, NBC)
KXXV-TV Ch. 25 (cable Ch. 5, ABC)
KWKT-TV Ch. 44 (cable Ch. 44, FOX)
Newspaper Waco Tribune-Herald
Baylor Lariat Radio WACO-FM 99.9
KWTX-FM 97.5
KBGO-FM 95.7
KBRQ-FM 102.5
KWTX-AM 1230
KWBU-FM 103.3
KLRK-FM 92.9
KRZI 1660AM, 92.3FM
KWOW-FM 104.1
KBW-AM 1010
KWBT-FM 94.5
Magic 104.5
104.9 BOB FM

2PM UPDATE, FEB. 12, 2021

Baylor Libraries Baylor Libraries are open today, Saturday and Sunday. Friday, Feb. 12: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 13: Moody and Jones Libraries will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (reduced due to weather). All spaces and services will be available. Sunday, Feb. 14: Moody and Jones Libraries will be open as normal at 1 p.m. but close early at 5 p.m. due to weather. All spaces and services will be available. Please check the Baylor Libraries website for updates. Dining Dining will be open regular hours this weekend with the exception of Moody Starbucks (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday). The SUB will be open during regular hours from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday and 2 to 8 p.m. Sunday. Other University Operations The Baylor Bookstore will follow normal weekend hours. Mail Center will follow normal weekend hours.

4PM UPDATE, FEB. 11, 2021

Campus Parking/Baylor University Shuttle (BUS)

BUS routes will not be in operation on Friday, Feb. 12, 2021. However, on-campus parking is open Friday with or without a permit.

On-campus Dining

All dining halls will be open Thursday night with the majority of stations open. However, please note that Penland will close at 9PM Thursday. All dining halls will re-open at 9AM Friday. Saturday and Sunday will operate as normal. Retail operations: • BSB, Business School, Moody and Law School are closed Friday. • Penland POD is operating as normal. • SUB will be open:

1PM UPDATE, FEB. 11, 2021

WACO, Texas (Feb. 11, 2021) - Due to winter weather conditions, the Baylor University Waco campus will close at 2 p.m. today through all-day Friday, Feb. 12. Classes Classes held at 2 p.m. and later today and all-day Friday will shift to remote instruction. With a forecast of continued winter weather through next week, we ask that faculty, staff and students continue to prepare for the potential of online classes Monday and Tuesday. The University will communicate more Sunday evening. Employees With classes moving to remote instruction, employees are expected to telework, if possible, during this time. Employees should discuss specific work expectations with their supervisor. COVID Testing All COVID-19 testing locations on campus are closed as of 12:30 p.m. today and will be closed all-day tomorrow. If you have a scheduled testing appointment today or tomorrow, please continue with your regular weekly testing next week. On-campus Dining Dining through lunch service will be normal with the exception of Panda Express, which is closed. Dinner service will continue at all dining halls. Menus may be limited. Retail will be limited to the SUB food court area only. Nursing School in Dallas For Dallas nursing campus, please watch email for instructions from Interim Dean Plank. Additional updates will be communicated via the Baylor website, email and @Baylor on Twitter. Please continue to monitor local media outlets for the latest weather forecast. Waco TV KWTX-TV Ch. 10 (cable Ch. 2, CBS)
KCEN-TV Ch. 6 (cable Ch. 3, NBC)
KXXV-TV Ch. 25 (cable Ch. 5, ABC)
KWKT-TV Ch. 44 (cable Ch. 44, FOX)
Newspaper Waco Tribune-Herald
Baylor Lariat Radio WACO-FM 99.9
KWTX-FM 97.5
KBGO-FM 95.7
KBRQ-FM 102.5
KWTX-AM 1230
KWBU-FM 103.3
KLRK-FM 92.9
KRZI 1660AM, 92.3FM
KWOW-FM 104.1
KBW-AM 1010
KWBT-FM 94.5
Magic 104.5
104.9 BOB FM