Baylor University Police Department to Host National Night Out Event to Strengthen Bonds within the Campus Community
National Night Out Brings University Community Together for Food, Fun and Safety Education
Media Contact: Tonya Hudson, Baylor University Media and Public Relations, 254-710-4656
Follow Baylor Media and Public Relations on Twitter: @BaylorUMedia
by Cerenity Austin, student newswriter, Baylor University Media and Public Relations
WACO, Texas (Sept. 27, 2019) — The Baylor University Police Department (BUPD) will host National Night Out, #BUNightOut, for the Baylor residential community at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1, on Fountain Mall.
National Night Out, an annual nationwide community-building campaign, was developed to promote police-community partnerships. The Baylor campus community will join other Texas communities that evening to focus on building safer neighborhoods and developing relationships with local law enforcement. BUPD’s National Night Out event is catered to the Baylor residential community to promote overall campus safety and crime prevention.
“National Night Out started in 1984 as turning on the blue light on your porch to show support for police,” said BUPD Crime Prevention Specialist Scott Curry. “Now, National Night Out has evolved into games, educational events and food just like a regular block party. The Baylor community is special because this is our neighborhood.”
From Collins Residential Hall to University Parks Apartments and beyond, all residents within the Baylor community are encouraged to attend National Night Out and meet the people who are devoted to serving and protecting the neighborhood they live in.
“National Night Out is a community-building campaign, and we are trying to build partnerships with our students, faculty and staff,” said Police Chief Brad Wigtil. “We really want them to know the men and women behind the badge because they are the kindest, most caring people I have ever worked with.”
Wigtil said that students getting to know the BUPD officers build trust and they want students to feel comfortable contacting their community police department under any circumstance.
National Night Out Schedule of Events:
• Cornhole Tournament: This event will be an 11-point single-elimination tournament. The winner gets to challenge the reigning champions from BUPD to secure a spot in the final 21-point game. The first and second place teams will receive Academy Sports and Outdoors gift cards and the coveted NNO Cornhole Tournament trophy.
• Bicycle Safety and Security Checks: BUPD will be available to discuss bike safety and security. Minor bicycle maintenance adjustments will be offered along with a demonstration on the proper way to secure a bicycle to a bike rack.
• Dunk Tank: Participants will have the chance to dunk BUPD officers and Parking Services staff.
• Fire Prevention: Impact Fire will present a live-fire demonstration. Participants will learn from the Waco Fire Department the correct way to use a fire extinguisher in a hands-on activity called the “Firefighter Challenge.” Participants will wear firefighter gear and drag a rescue dummy 50 feet to safety. The WFD will also ignite a 10x10 mock dorm room to illustrate how quickly fire travels and discuss fire safety.
• Inflatables: Inflatables donated by Astros Events will be available for all ages.
• Live Band Performance: The Band of Ages will perform on stage for two hours with a variety of music.
• Resource Tables: Information will be provided by Title IX, Counseling Center, Beauchamp Addiction Recovery Center, Multicultural Affairs and Community Living and Learning to discuss the role they play in the Baylor community as well.
• T-shirts, Door Prizes and Free Food: Miscellaneous door prizes including an iPad and a free car detailing will be awarded and free T-shirts while supplies last. Students also can enjoy free hot dogs and Pepsi products provided by Aramark Dining Services.
BUPD will also host a variety of community-building activities throughout the semester including Ice Pops with Cops at 1 to 2 p.m. on Monday.
The Baylor University Department of Public Safety serves as an umbrella department for the Baylor University Police Department, emergency management, fire safety, global safety and security, technical security and parking and transportation. The DPS is set on providing students, faculty and alumni with excellent security and safety through instant notification systems, extensive surveillance cameras and highly-trained staff.
Baylor University is a private Christian University and a nationally ranked research institution. The University provides a vibrant campus community for more than 17,000 students by blending interdisciplinary research with an international reputation for educational excellence and a faculty commitment to teaching and scholarship. Chartered in 1845 by the Republic of Texas through the efforts of Baptist pioneers, Baylor is the oldest continually operating University in Texas. Located in Waco, Baylor welcomes students from all 50 states and more than 90 countries to study a broad range of degrees among its 12 nationally recognized academic divisions.