Statement from Baylor University, Aug. 20, 2015
WACO, Texas (Aug. 20, 2015) -- Baylor University released a statement tonight following the conviction of Sam Ukwuachu:
Acts of sexual violence contradict every value Baylor University upholds as a caring Christian community. In recent years we have joined university efforts nationally to prevent campus violence against women and sexual assault, to actively support survivors of sexual assault with compassion and care, and to take action against perpetrators. We have established and fully staffed a Title IX office that employs a Title IX Coordinator and two full-time investigators. Maintaining a safe and caring community is central to Baylor’s mission and at the heart of our commitment to our students, faculty and staff.
Sept. 3, 2015: Baylor President and Chancellor Ken Starr - Keeping Baylor Nation Informed
Sept. 2, 2015: Board of Regents Announces Outside Counsel
Aug. 28, 2015: Baylor President Ken Starr Statement on Internal Inquiry, Next Steps
Aug. 21, 2015: Statement and Update from Baylor University
Aug. 21, 2015: Baylor President and Chancellor Ken Starr - Our Stand Against Sexual Violence