Rachel Moore Elected 1999 Collins Professor
Rachel Moore, lecturer in Baylor University's English department, has been named by the senior class the recipient of the Collins Outstanding Professor award. As the Collins Professor, Moore will deliver a special lecture on the topic "Perception and Pleasure: A Legacy in American Literature" at 3 p.m. Monday, May 3, in Room 101 of the Carroll Science Building.
She also will be recognized at commencement ceremonies on May 15 and will receive a cash award of $10,000.
"I was very surprised, and I am very grateful to be named the Collins Professor," said Moore. "It was very dear of the senior class to honor me in this way, and this provides me with good inspiration to go on teaching."
Moore received her bachelor's degree from Mississippi College and her master's degree from Baylor. She began teaching in the university's English department in 1966. She is a member of the South Central Language Association and the Central Conference of Teachers of English. Her research and teaching interests include British poetry and American literature, especially Southern writers Eudora Welty, William Faulkner and Flannery O'Connor.
Moore is a past recipient of numerous teaching awards, including the Most Outstanding Baylor Teacher award, Mortar Board's Top Prof Award, Gamma Beta Phi Teacher Appreciation Award and the Student Congress Outstanding Teaching Award. In 1986, the Baylor chapter of Chi Omega sorority established The Rachel Hunter Moore Award for Outstanding Teaching, which is awarded to women faculty members at Baylor.
The Carr P. Collins Foundation provides funds for the Collins Outstanding Professor program, which was initiated to honor outstanding teachers at Baylor. A professor is elected annually by the senior class.
All full-time faculty members who have taught at least four years as full-time faculty members at Baylor prior to the fall term and have taught during the fall, winter or spring terms of the year of their election are eligible to receive the award.