Three Baylor Women Receive Girl Scout Awards
by Alan Hunt
Three Baylor University women have been selected to receive Woman of Distinction awards from the Bluebonnet Girl Scout Council. They will be honored at a dinner April 11 in Temple.
Award recipients are Dr. Nancy B. Upton, director of the John Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship; Dr. Martha Lou Scott, dean for student life; and Elizabeth Palacios, former community service coordinator in the Department of Student Activities and currently a lecturer in the School of Education.
They received certificates designating them as 1996 Woman of Distinction "who are making a positive difference in the lives of girls." Making the surprise presentations at the campus offices of the three honorees was 9-year-old Girl Scout Lauren Cox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cox of Waco and a member of Troop 7112, which is led by Troop Leader Marietta Diehl.
A total of 16 women are selected each year by the Bluebonnet Girl Scout Council for the Woman of Distinction award. One of the criteria for the award is that the nominee should be "a role model for girls as well as for other women."