History Department Sponsors National Standards Workshop
The Department of History at Baylor University will sponsor a workshop on "Raising the Standards: A Conversation on the National Standards for United States History" from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 24, in the Mabee Theater of the Hooper-Schaefer Fine Arts Center.
The workshop will focus on the discussion of the National Standards for United States History and their relationship to the social studies and United States history curricula for grades 5-12 in Texas.
Pamela Petty, history teacher in the Glendale, Ariz. Union High School District and a former member of the committee that drafted the National Standards, will be a speaker and facilitator for the discussion. Members of Baylor's history faculty will also be speaking on the National Standards.
The National Standards for United States History is the result of a project funded in the spring of 1992 by the National Endowment for the Humanities, and Office of Educational Research and Improvement of the United States Department of Education. The groups attempted to seek a broad national approval for the defining of excellent education teaching.
According to Dr. James M. SoRelle, professor of history at Baylor, the focus of the workshop is to get teachers as well as those who will be teaching in the social studies or history field, familiar to this reform movement.
Financial support for the conference is from the Organization of American Historians' Fund for American History and the Rockefeller Foundation. Support has also been provided by the University Lectures Committee as well as the Department of History at Baylor.
The workshop is free and is open to the public.
For more information, contact the Department of History at 755-2667.