Chemistry Department Given $150,000 Grant
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has given the Baylor University Chemistry Department a $150,000 grant over the next three years to conduct a summer undergraduate research program. This program has been offered every summer for many years, and supported by the NSF for the last four years.
The grant will allow students from all over the United States to spend 10 weeks at the Baylor campus conducting research with Baylor professors, attending chemistry seminars and short courses, participating in field trips, and presenting their research in a poster format.
The summer research program enrolls approximately 24 students, consisting of roughly one-third Baylor undergraduates, with the rest coming from across the U.S. and other countries. The program attempts to encourage minority participation. Over the past three years, the program has averaged 30 percent minority students, which is twice the national average of other similar NSF-sponsored programs. Baylor is one of only about 50 NSF funded summer research programs in the country, and one of only three in Texas. The program is highly competitive, with approximately five applicants per position.
Dr. Charles Garner, assistant professor of chemistry and coordinator of the program, said the program is invaluable to developing leading scientists and researchers.
"This is an excellent opportunity for students to get in-depth experience in research prior to refining their career goals," Garner said.
For more information, contact Garner at 755-3311.