Baylor Business School Presents Annual Awards
by Alan Hunt
Baylor University's Hankamer School of Business recognized successful students, faculty and staff at the school's annual awards banquet held Thursday, April 11.
Dr. Terry S. Maness, acting dean at Hankamer, received the Most Popular Business Professor honor. The award is presented by Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity following a vote by the student body.
Maness, a member of the Baylor faculty since 1972, was recently named acting dean following the appointment of Dr. Richard C. Scott, Hankamer dean since 1977, as Baylor's vice president for university development. Maness previously served as chair of the finance, insurance and real estate department and holds the Carr P. Collins Chair of Finance.
Other faculty members honored during the awards program included Dr. Delton L. Chesser, the Roderick L. Holmes Professor of Accountancy, who received the Hankamer Distinguished Professor Award; Dr. Charles J. Delaney, associate professor of real estate, and Patricia H. Nunley, assistant professor of business law, who shared the Teaching Excellence Award; and Dr. Dorothy E. Leidner, assistant professor of information systems, who received the Hankamer Young Researcher Award.
A new award, the Outstanding Staff Award, was presented by Maness to Judy Corwin, director of Hankamer's Public Relations and Communications Bureau.
More than 20 student awards were distributed, including the Delta Sigma Pi Highest Ranking Women in Business honor presented to Courtney Boyce Hopper, of Memphis, Tenn., who also received the award for Outstanding Student in Management Information Systems. The Alpha Kappa Psi award for Highest Ranking Man in Business was presented to Michael Brodie Bruner from Mount Pleasant, Texas.
Four Waco-area students received awards, including Gabriel S. Cotter, who was named Outstanding Student in Office Information Systems; Scott Frank Johnson, Outstanding Student in Insurance; Cheryl L. Burdette, who received the Stanley W. Koester Award for the Outstanding Student in Management; and Mary Landis Curry, Outstanding Student in Business Law. Troy resident, Heather Lee Jenkins, received the Accounting Excellence Award.
Keynote speaker at the banquet was Wes Bailey, president of Bailey Insurance & Financial Services.