Pinson to Speak at Chapel-Forum Sept. 25
William M. Pinson, Jr., executive director for the Baptist General Convention of Texas, will speak at Baylor University at 10 a.m. Monday, Sept. 25 during Chapel-Forum in Waco Hall.
Pinson, a native of Fort Worth, has been involved in Baptist missions for approximately 40 years. He has been associate secretary for the Christian Life Committee of the BGCT, professor of Christian ethics and adjunct professor for Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, pastor of First Baptist Church, Wichita Falls and president of Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in California.
Pinson has authored books on Christian topics and made significant contributions to numerous books and journals. He has also contributed to several tape services including Broadman and The Protestant Radio and Television Center, Inc.
Pinson has been honored in Who's Who in the World and Who's Who in Religion as well as receiving awards for missions and church training. He actively participates on committees for church-state relations, home and foreign missions and evangelism, and he has preached in countries across the world.