Killeen Isd Superintendent to Speak at Baylor Nov. 15
Dr. Charles Patterson, recently named Outstanding Superintendent in Texas by the Texas Association of School Boards, will speak on "Curricular Challenges for Educational Leaders" from noon to 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 15, in the VIP Room of the Ferrell Center at Baylor University.
Patterson is the Killeen Independent School District superintendent and president of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, one of the largest professional education associations in the United States, headquartered in Alexandria, Va. Its membership includes curriculum leaders, scholars, teachers and administrators in schools, colleges and universities.
He earned his doctorate in educational administration from Baylor.
Patterson's speech is part of the "Leadership Luncheon" series sponsored by Baylor's Department of Educational Administration. The luncheon is open to the public. The cost is $11 per person.
For more information or reservations, call Dr. James Williamson, the Fred Hale Professor of Education and Chair of the Department of Educational Administration, at 755-3117.