Don Riley Receives Norman 'Moon' Mullins Award
Don Riley, an academic adviser at Baylor University, recently became the eighth honoree inducted into the Norman "Moon" Mullins Distinguished Honor Roll for Faculty and Staff.
This honor was created in memory of the late Norman "Moon" Mullins , who was a 1952 Baylor graduate, served on the Baylor Development Staff from 1981-84 and was Executive Director of the Bear Club from 1984-87. Throughout his service to Baylor, he demonstrated leadership, enthusiasm, and a love for Baylor athletics.
The award is presented annually to a faculty or staff member who gives his or her time, talent, and financial support to the Baylor Athletic Program. The honoree must be a member of the Baylor Bear Foundation, serve on the faculty or staff and be committed to the education of student athletes.
The honoree serves as an ambassador for Baylor off campus, and must demonstrate a sincere commitment to family, friends and colleagues. In addition, he or she is actively involved in church activities and models a dedicated Christian life.
Past honorees are Robert Denton (Health, Physical Education and Recreation), Claude Ervin (Personnel Services), Betty Ruth Baker (School of Education), Dr. Robert Packard (Physics), Leslie Rasner (School of Business), Dr. Jerry Johnson (School of Business), and Tommye Lou Davis (Classics).
For more information, contact the Bear Foundation at 755-4213.