Becky King to Serve As President of Cumrec
Becky King, associate director for information systems at Baylor University, has been elected president of the College and University Computer Users Association (CUMREC) .
King, who has worked at Baylor for 14 years, has been actively involved in CUMREC for several years. She was elected to the Board of Directors for a three-year term in May 1992, and was re-elected to a second three-year term at this year's CUMREC Conference in Traverse City, Mich. She was the local host chair for the program committee when Baylor hosted the annual conference in may 1993 in San Antonio and served as vice-chair of CUMREC last year. As vice-chair she was responsible for organizing and providing direction to all the volunteer committees.
This year as president, she will serve as the liaison with the general chair for the next annual conference, preside over the business meeting, and serve as chair of the Finance Committee.
CUMREC is a volunteer organization with high international visibility within the higher education profession. The membership consists of both professional computer providers and administrative users and has representatives from universities and colleges from every state and Canadian province.
For more information, contact King at 755-2711.