Baylor Welcome Week Set for Aug. 23-26
About 3,000 new Baylor University freshmen and transfer students will participate in the annual Welcome Week with the theme of "Dare Mighty Things" on campus Wednesday through Saturday, Aug. 23-26.
Welcome Week, which began at Baylor in 1979, is an orientation program for new students which emphasizes the intellectual, social, spiritual and physical aspects of college life.
Students participate in "mini-conference" groups of about 15 students to discuss various topics related to Baylor life. They also will participate in "min-con" olympics against fellow conference groups for the first three days and a service project on Saturday, Aug. 26.
Head women's basketball coach Sonja Hogg will address the students at 10:15 a.m. Friday, Aug. 25, in the Ferrell Center.
President Robert B. Sloan Jr. also will welcome students as the keynote speaker at 8 p.m. that evening.
Other faculty and administration participants will include: Dr. William D. Hillis, vice president for Student Life; William J. Dube III, dean of Admissions/Academic Scholarships; Dr. Anita Baker, associate professor of Curriculum and Instruction; Dr. Joe Cox, professor of management; and Dr. J. Kevin Barge, associate professor of Communication Studies.
Twelve steering committee members and more than 750 student volunteers, as well as several university staff members and administrators, are responsible for organizing Welcome Week.
Activities also will include a concert by Christian music artist Paul Overstreet at 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26, in the Ferrell Center. The concert is open to the public, and tickets are available at the Ferrell Center for $11 each. Baylor students and faculty may purchase tickets for $9. For ticket information, call the Ferrell Center at 755-1918.
For more information about Welcome Week, call the Welcome Week office at 755-3638 or the Office of Student Life at 755-1761.