Baylor Law School to Be Featured on Discovery Channel
by Alan Hunt
WACO, Texas - Baylor University School of Law has been selected to be the exclusively featured law school on "USA Corporate Profiles" on the Discovery Channel in a program to be broadcast in October.
Narrated by Pat Summerall, the program will feature what's right in the legal profession and will explore the practice-oriented educational philosophy of Baylor Law School.
The Discovery Channel reaches more than 65 million households in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. The "USA Corporate Profiles" series focuses on business enterprises and other institutions, highlighting quality institutions with proven track records. The air date will be announced soon.
Baylor Law School, the first law school established in Texas, offers one of the finest advocacy programs in the nation, focusing on an intensive practice-court and moot court activities. Six areas of concentration also are offered in both litigation and transactional areas of practice.
Baylor consistently ranks high among Texas law schools in the passing percentage of the Texas State Bar Examination, placing first 18 of 24 times since 1983, when the results were first made public. A nationally distributed guide to law schools - The Princeton Review Guide to the Best Law Schools -- ranks the Baylor faculty fourth in the nation among law schools having the best teaching faculties. The law school currently carries an enrollment of about 400 students.