Baylor to Invite Top High School Students to Campus
The Baylor University Office of Recruitment and the Mortar Board honor society will host approximately 75 of the country's top academic high school seniors during the Invitation to Leadership program Oct. 6-7.
The purpose of the program is to attract potential National Merit Scholars to the Baylor campus. Baylor is among the top one percent in the nation in the number of National Merit Scholars enrolled.
Students invited are among the top scorers as high school juniors on the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) and have designated Baylor as the first or second choice of a university they would like to attend, said Teri Tippit, director of the Office of Recruitment.
"This is a highly selective program and it plays a substantial role in recruiting National Merit Scholars to the freshman class each year," Tippit said.
On Friday, Oct. 6, the students will attend a banquet in their honor. Baylor President Robert B. Sloan, Jr., will be the featured speaker at the banquet. Other activities will include a tour of the campus, visits with Baylor faculty, and discussions with other Baylor students, admissions counselors and financial aid representatives.
For more information contact Teri Tippit, director of the Office of Recruitment at 755-3435.