Baylor to Host Music Camp July 30
Texas high school choir students will be on the Baylor University campus July 30-Aug. 3 for the Baylor All-State Choir Music Camp.
The camp is designed to teach students music for school, district, zone, area and state auditions that lead to the 1995 Texas All-State Choir.
Wesley M. Gilliland, assistant professor of choral music, assistant dean of the School of Music and director of ensembles, will serve as camp director. Dr. Donald L. Bailey, professor of academic studies, director of choral activities, director of vocal studies, and The Mary Gibbs Jones Professor of Music, will direct the rehearsals.
Students will spend morning and afternoon sessions intensively studying music in sectional and full-choir rehearsals. Other activities are planned for the evenings, including recreation and a talent show Wednesday, Aug. 2, in Jones Concert Hall.
There will be a free concert open to the public in Jones Concert Hall at 11 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 4.
The cost for students to attend the camp is $235, which includes tuition, fees, room and board, and the All-State Music Packet. Commuting students may attend for $135. Choral directors may audit the camp for $120 or may commute for $70.
For more information, contact Barry Hopper, associate professor of trumpet and coordinator of brass, at 755-3571.