Baylor to Host Family Business Seminar Sept. 27
by Alan Hunt
Baylor University's Institute for Family Business will sponsor a seminar, "Writing the Rule Book for Your Family Business," at the Center for Energy & Economic Diversification, Midland, on Wednesday, Sept. 27.
The seminar program, from 8-11 a.m., will be presented by Dr. Nancy Upton, director of the John F. Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship at Baylor and founder of Baylor's Institute for Family Business. She will discuss issues affecting both the family and business, such as succession from one generation to the next, ownership, decision-making, entry into or exit from the business, and compensation.
"These issues can cause a great deal of stress if they are not addressed," she says. "What is needed is an objective method for handling these complex issues."
Upton said seminar participants will identify the "hot spots" where family and business interact and how policy statements are developed for them, use a case study to analyze the entry policy of one family firm, develop policy statements on compensation, ownership or succession, and learn other tools for successfully managing the complex relationships in the family firm.
Corporate sponsors of the seminar include Elms, Faris & Company, Kerr & Nunley Law Offices, Smith & Frank, Stubbeman, McRae, Sealy, Laughlin & Browder, Inc., and Steve Thompson & Associates.
For more information about the seminar, call Susan Meacham at Baylor's Institute for Family Business (817) 755-2265.