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Baylor University's Dr. Sara Jansen Perry outlines the challenges with Return-to-Office mandates and the important considerations that arise with remote/hybrid arrangements.

For Black gospel artists recording after 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s “I Have a Dream” speech was more than a defining moment of the Civil Rights Movement. It became fertile ground for their creative expression.

Baylor University experts to share ideas for resolutions that are easier to maintain while making a positive impact on our lives.

The holiday season is a time of joy, but for many – especially those grieving the death of a loved one or a deep loss – it can bring a complex mix of emotions, from sadness and sorrow to gratitude and joy.

From tips on fostering stress-free gatherings and embracing sustainability to preserving family history and discovering timeless holiday entertainment, experts at Baylor University provide insights to make the season meaningful and magical.

The holiday season brings warmth and joy – as well as excess clutter, waste and energy consumption. Baylor interior design expert, Elise King, M.I.D., M.A., shares simple and creative ways to decorate sustainably without sacrificing the festive spirit.

From timeless tales to unexpected favorites, film expert highlights the season’s best cinematic treasures

Holiday gatherings often bring a mix of joy and challenges, especially when navigating complex family dynamics. Baylor University communication expert Allison M. Alford, Ph.D., says anticipating potential hurdles, such as sensitive topics or interpersonal tensions, can help family members approach these events with confidence and clarity.

As the holiday season approaches, there are multiple ways that individuals and families can employ mindful practices – both meaningful and eco-friendly – that reduce waste and support local communities.

Art history course brings students outside of the classroom to discover art on the Baylor campus

Baylor experts offer practical advice for first-time donors and seasoned givers to align their resources, values and impact.

November is National Adoption Month, and Baylor University supports families who adopt through Baylor Law School's annual Adoption Day, faculty research that focuses on various aspects of adoption and robust adoption assistance benefits for faculty and staff adoptive families.

With electronics, online convenience and competitive pricing at the forefront, the landscape of Black Friday is evolving to match the shifting shopping habits of today’s consumers, said Baylor University consumer behavior expert James A. Roberts, Ph.D.

Families can build reading, writing and communication skills through simple daily routines, shared moments

National Play Outside Day encourages people to head outdoors to play together, enjoy nature and feel the multiple benefits of play.

Baylor film historian lists the perfect films for thrill seekers and scaredy cats

Earth’s gravity captures a small asteroid from September to November

Student Opportunity and Achievement Resources addresses the unique challenges of college food insecurity

The Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty works to end food insecurity through innovative programs, global partnerships

Baylor University researcher Candi Cann, Ph.D., has made it her life’s work to study death and dying, including a "new language of mourning" where people express their grief in more personal, almost "do-it-yourself "ways.

World Mosquito Day, observed each year on Aug. 20, raises worldwide awareness of the ongoing dangers of vector-borne diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and the ongoing efforts to combat the world’s deadliest creature.

Baylor faculty experts share practical strategies for fostering stronger holistic well-being for National Wellness Month in August.

In celebration of National Book Lovers Day, Baylor University faculty members from across campus share their love of the written word by sharing their favorite books.

As the world gears up for the 2024 Paralympic Games starting Aug. 28 in Paris, it is a reminder of the profound impact this global event has on athletes and communities around the world. And it's more than just athletic prowess, says the director of the Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities.

Baylor University education expert Bill Sterrett, Ph.D., looks at how the four-day week could potentially affect student learning, attendance, teacher retention and cost savings.

Baylor School of Education expert offers ideas to help make the start of the new school year less stressful for everyone.

The 2024 Summer Olympics will take place July 26 through Aug. 11 in Paris, so what can we expect to see from the world’s best athletes as they compete on the world’s biggest stage? Baylor experts weigh on Olympic topics from faith to fashion statements, brand moments to American unity, athletes' mental health to self-worth.

For many athletes, sports provide a place to develop their values, express their identities and share their faith with others. The Olympics have long been an important platform for Christians to do this work, said sports historian and author Paul Putz, Ph.D., director of the Faith & Sports Institute at Baylor University and author of the forthcoming book, The Spirit of the Game: American Christianity and Big-Time Sports.

As the world eagerly anticipates the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, the fashion scene is buzzing with excitement over the latest team fashion trends set to make a statement to the world.

As students head back to class, they may feel challenged by the adjustment of waking up early to make it to class on time. This is especially true of adolescents, whose natural sleep pattern tends to be late to bed and late to wake, said Michael K. Scullin, Ph.D., director of Baylor University’s Sleep Neuroscience and Cognition Laboratory and associate professor of psychology and neuroscience.

Americans are divided on a multitude of different issues, but could the Olympic Games unite the country – at least for the duration of an Olympiad? A Baylor University sports marketing and branding expert says yes, it can, in his latest Forbes SportsMoney column.

Smiley faces, hearts, thumbs up and folded hands – those are just a few of the thousands of emojis that are available for internet users to communicate with. World Emoji Day is a day to consider how these symbols can perfectly emphasize ideas and convey emotions quickly and creatively when words alone often cannot.

Advertising expert Tyrha Lindsey-Warren gives a “sneak peek” into the commercial lineup for the 2024 Olympic Games.

MLB’s All-Star game is considered one of best all-star contests among professional sports, but Baylor sports marketing expert Kirk Wakefield says the game faces continued headwinds.

July is Family Reunion Month, and as families prepare to gather with extended family, we often are regaled with tales about an older relative’s fascinating life story or firsthand experience as an eyewitness to history. So how do you capture and preserve those precious memories?

As Independence Day approaches, a Baylor management professor - and longtime Ben Franklin scholar - shares his thoughts on a four aspects of the Founding Father's legacy.

Baylor education expert offers tips on how to enjoy the eclipse with children

Baylor mathematics chair Dorina Mitrea, Ph.D., explains what makes Pi important.

Anyone who has traveled has probably experienced jet lag – that exhausted feeling that comes after long travel and trips. With the spring and summer travel seasons ahead, travelers can prevent some of the effects of jet lag through planning and preparation, says Baylor University sleep expert Michael Scullin, Ph.D..

WACO, Texas (Dec. 21, 2023) – From the traditional sound of Go Tell it on the Mountain to the contemporary style of Kirk Franklin, Black Gospel Christmas music conveys a sense of wonder and passion for the Christmas season and the birth of our Savior. Two Baylor University experts in Black gospel music, Bob Darden and Stephen Newby, share their love of the rich sounds of Christmas spirituals.

WACO, Texas (Dec. 21, 2023) – The death of a loved one can be especially hard during the holidays as they are full of memories, traditions, and sensations associated with the holidays – all reminders that this year is different, and someone is no longer here. What can someone in the midst of grief do to make this time more positive and step toward emotional healing?

WACO, Texas (Dec. 19, 2023) – Individuals with substance and alcohol use disorders experience additional stress during the holidays, which can interfere with their recovery, and may need additional support to abstain from substance use. What can people in recovery do to both abstain and enjoy the holidays? And what can loved ones do to support them?

WACO, Texas (Dec. 14, 2023) -- Baylor University Honors College professor Michael Foley, Ph.D., who teaches in the Great Texts Program, has researched the history of common Christmas traditions and uncovered forgotten customs. Foley shares three practices to recapture the essence of Christmas and bring more joy to the season for your family.

WACO, Texas (Dec. 11, 2023) - New Year's resolutions are often well-intentioned but truth be told, they can be really difficult to keep. We asked Baylor University experts to offer resolution ideas that might be easier for us to sustain while making positive changes in our lives.

WACO, Texas (Dec. 11, 2023) – Millions of people make resolutions at the beginning of each year to lose weight, quit bad habits, save money, and so on. Unfortunately, many resolutions are quickly broken because they are overly overambitious or unachievable. Two Baylor psychology experts offer tips on setting realistic resolutions with SMART goals.

WACO, Texas (Nov. 29, 2023) – Baylor University historians Stephen Sloan and Adrienne Cain Darough with Baylor’s renowned Institute for Oral History, share seven simple best practices to help family members begin oral history conversations over the holidays that enrich recollections of the past and capture your family memories.

WACO, Texas (Nov. 14, 2023) – Leading Baylor University positive psychology researchers, Sarah Schnitker, Ph.D., and Jo-Ann Tsang, Ph.D., who specialize in the study of gratitude, have identified three science-based mechanisms that can cultivate gratitude and improve empathy. This work is especially timely during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons.

WACO, Texas (Nov. 3, 2023) – November marks the beginning of the holiday season, which is full of holiday festivities and feasts. As consumers head to grocery stores and farmers markets for ingredients for those family meals, they will be faced with a choice: Organic or conventionally farmed produce? What impact does that choice have on human health?

WACO, Texas (Oct. 17, 2023) – World Menopause Day is recognized on Oct. 18, and one Baylor University researcher has been on a 20-year mission to identify safe and effective options to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to help women find relief from hot flashes and improve sleep and well-being during the menopause transition.

WACO, Texas (Oct. 11, 2023) – Research has demonstrated that increased stress and all-night study sessions can lead to lower cognitive functioning and test scores, adding even more pressure on college students.

Baylor horror film expert lists 10 movies that give thrills without too much of the chills.

WACO, Texas (Oct. 2, 2023) – The noonday sky will put on a spectacular show Saturday, Oct. 14, as the annular solar eclipse will be visible in North America for the first time since 2012. Unlike a total solar eclipse, an annular eclipse means that the outer corona of the sun will be visible, producing a beautiful “Ring of Fire.”

Sept. 25 is National Daughters Day, celebrating adult daughters often overlooked for their role in relationship with parents

Making the transition from a relaxed summer schedule to the routine of school can be jarring, but a veteran teacher and faculty member at Baylor University’s School of Education offers some ideas to help make the start of the new school year less stressful, especially for younger students.

Baylor University researcher Jay Yoo, Ph.D., associate professor of apparel merchandising in Baylor’s Robbins College of Health and Human Sciences, found that the social and cultural influences on the desirability of tanning – which has been associated with good health and an active lifestyle since the 1920s – is often stronger than the dangers of harmful UV exposure.

WACO, Texas (May 1, 2023) – May 1 marks the 125th anniversary of the Battle of Manila Bay – the first battle of the Spanish-American War. Baylor University military historian David A. Smith, Ph.D., senior lecturer in history, is the author of A New Force at Sea: George Dewey and the Rise of the American Navy, which tells the story of one of the most important officers in the U.S. Navy between the Civil War and World War II.

Leading scholar on disability, faith and flourishing, Erik W. Carter, Ph.D., encourages churches to receive the gifts, friendship and faith of people with disabilities.

WACO, Texas (April 17, 2023) – Fast Fashion is the most popular trend in retail fashion today but has a devastating cost to the environment. Baylor fashion expert Jay Yoo, Ph.D., says consumers are learning more about the environmental impacts of fashion and searching for better options.

WACO, Texas (March 21, 2023) – Throughout his 35-year career in financial services, Erik Davidson, DBA., clinical assistant professor of finance at Baylor University’s Hankamer School of Business, has witnessed the ups and downs of the economy and provides some advice to average investors on how to ride this current wave of financial uncertainty.

WACO, Texas (March 17, 2023) – Most people would agree that happiness is better than negative emotions. Still, few may take the time to fully appreciate how happiness can improve their lives and the lives of those around them. The United Nations declared March 20 International Day of Happiness, which is celebrated annually to create a happier and kinder world. This year’s theme is “Be Mindful. Be Grateful. Be Kind.”

WACO, Texas (March 13, 2023) – Saint Patrick (A.D. 385-461) is probably one of the Catholic Church’s best-known saints, at least in countries influenced by Irish emigration. He is even more popular due to a rise in Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations and revelry. But, despite his popularity, how much do most people truly know about Saint Patrick?

WACO, Texas (March 8, 2023) - Described as beautiful, elusive and enigmatic, Pi has fascinated and inspired mathematicians throughout history. With National Pi Day coming up on March 14, Baylor mathematics chair Dorina Mitrea, Ph.D., explains why Pi matters.

WACO, Texas (March 2, 2023) – Daylight saving time, with its one-hour spring forward at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 12, may seem like a small shift of just a single hour, but on a societal level, it has startling effects, says Baylor University sleep researcher Michael Scullin, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology and neuroscience and director of the Sleep Neuroscience and Cognition Laboratory at Baylor.

WACO, Texas (Jan 23, 2023) - Baylor consumer behavior scholar studies the brands who win big during the Big Game’s commercial breaks. The key is empowered storytelling.

How color forecasting helps retailers reduce risk and what it means for consumers

WACO, Texas (Oct. 25, 2022) - Baylor University death studies scholar Candi Cann, Ph.D., shares the elements of Día De Los Muertos, a unique Mexican holiday for families to honor and remember their loved ones who have passed away.

WACO, Texas (Oct. 17, 2022) - International Stuttering Awareness Day is recognized annually on Oct. 22. Paul Blanchet, Ph.D., associate professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Baylor University's Robbins College of Health and Human Sciences, has made it his mission to remove the myths and stigma surrounding stuttering.

WACO, Texas (Oct. 4, 2022) – A natural disaster or devastating storm like Hurricane Ian in Florida is usually followed by a second wave of potential destruction – scam artists looking to line their pockets. Baylor Law's Stephen Rispoli, LL.M, J.D., shares some tips to help those reeling from storm damage identify and avoid scammers.

WACO, Texas (Sept. 26, 2022) - If you have ever struggled to interpret medical instructions or became exasperated trying to navigate a health care or insurance system, you already know that finding, understanding and using information and services to help make health-related decisions is critical for your health, wellness and quality of life.

WACO, Texas (Sept. 13, 2022) – Allison M. Alford, Ph.D., clinical assistant professor of business communication at Baylor University, discusses the important role of adult daughters and their “invisible labor” ahead of National Daughters Day on Sept. 25.

WACO, Texas (May 6, 2022) – Nursing continues to be the largest and most trusted profession and serves as the face of health care to the American public. However, it also one of the most stressful professions, with studies showing that burnout among nurses – even before the COVID-19 pandemic – remains a significant issue.

WACO, Texas (Nov. 11, 2021) – U.S. Army veteran, fifth-grade teacher and Baylor University doctoral student Erika Neuman has been named a Pat Tillman Foundation Scholar in recognition of her military service and her mission to educate children.

WACO, Texas (Oct. 26, 2021) – Baylor University is now home to one of a handful of undergraduate theatre programs whose faculty includes a certified vocologist. This certification brings a new level of educational rigor and professional preparedness to the students in Baylor’s Department of Theatre Arts.

Peter Campbell, Ph.D., associate professor of political science and international security scholar, penned a column for City Journal, in which he discusses who deserves scrutiny following the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

WACO, Texas (Sept. 10, 2021) –The Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon continue – 20 years later – to have profound effects on everything from America’s political, religious and cultural polarization to American entertainment choices, said Baylor University faith and culture expert Greg Garrett, Ph.D., professor of English.

WACO, Texas (May 13, 2021) – Near the end of his life, as he battled spiraling health and an empty bank account, former United States President – and iconic Civil War General – Ulysses S. Grant penned his memoirs and gave the world a glimpse into the mind of one of the nation’s most celebrated figures.

WACO, Texas (April 13, 2021) — With President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act, citizens nationwide received a second round of stimulus checks in the form of $1,400 per person and an additional $1,400 per dependent.

WACO, Texas (Feb. 4, 2021) — In celebration of artistic creativity, spirituality and storytelling, the 2021 Waco Family & Faith International Film Festival will screen 65 national and international films Feb. 4-7.

WACO, Texas (Oct. 27, 2020) – October marks the halfway point to the fall semester and can carry all the excitement, stress and anxiety of another academic term winding to a close. The month also typically marks one of the busiest times of the year for university counseling centers across the nation.

WACO, Texas (July 31, 2020) — Universities will be faced with numerous changes, challenges and opportunities during the fall semester due to the mitigation and management of campus health as it relates to COVID-19. Baylor University is by no means exempt from these headwinds; in fact, the University is uniquely positioned to be successful despite them.

WACO, Texas (July 20, 2020) – As individuals and institutions across the country consider necessary changes to effectively fight racism, two terms are gaining familiarity: cultural humility and antiracism.

WACO, Texas (June 19, 2020) – As the protests following the death of George Floyd began to roil the country, it was only a few days before the demonstrators began to sing an array of freedom songs and protest spirituals, as well as a few new adaptations, including Bill Withers’ “Lean on Me.”

WACO, Texas (June 16, 2020) – When Baylor’s campus was closed due to COVID-19, Kara Jones drove several times from her home in San Antonio to Waco — a 360-mile round trip — as one of the few volunteers able to help out Mission Waco Health Clinic during that time.

WACO, Texas (May 29, 2020) – As private rocket company SpaceX readies for the scheduled launch to the International Space Station on Saturday or Sunday — the first space crew launch from America in nearly a decade — Baylor University planetary geophysicist Peter James, Ph.D., says that private companies not only have lowered the cost of space exploration but also may speed it along.

WACO, Texas (May 21, 2020) – Baylor University’s May Minimester is underway, and students are currently enrolling in large numbers for the University’s Summer of Discovery with two online summer sessions from June 2-July 7 and July 9-August 12, respectively.

WACO, Texas (May 6, 2020) — More than 80 specialists from around the globe who deal daily with the issues of dying and grief — including three from Baylor University — have joined to develop new rituals and resources to honor those who die during the COVID-19 era and to aid the living as they grapple with the crisis.

WACO, Texas (May 5, 2020) – Daughters often put in emotional labor and significant time to make Mother’s Day feel special. Research shows that this type of "kin work" is largely invisible - to the daughters themselves, and others - because it is expected of daughters to make that contribution, said a Baylor University expert in mother-daughter relationships.

WACO, Texas (May 1, 2020) – As Baylor University shifted classes online to promote social distancing, Anne Jeffrey, Ph.D., assistant professor of philosophy, shifted her “Contemporary Moral Problems: Bioethics” class to engage her students in real world challenges prompted by the response to the virus.

WACO, Texas (April 27, 2020) – When COVID-19 concerns led to the difficult but necessary decision to move all courses online, Baylor faculty found themselves having to quickly adapt to a remote-class format. With a few weeks left in the semester, Lenore Wright, director of the Academy for Teaching and Learning and associate professor in the Honors College, urges faculty to continue to utilize available resources.

WACO, Texas (April 27, 2020) – Baylor University’s Mayborn Museum is hosting a special Virtual Meet the Scientists: Virus 101 online at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 28. Special guest is Kelli Barr, Ph.D., assistant professor of tropical disease and global health biology in Baylor’s College of Arts & Sciences.

WACO, Texas (April 24, 2020) – With the CoVID-19 pandemic abruptly forcing students into an extended period of physical isolation and heightened stress, Academic Mentoring in Baylor University’s Paul L. Foster Success Center (PLFSC) continues to connect students in need of additional assistance to finish the semester successfully with peer mentors.

WACO, Texas (April 24, 2020) – With announcements coming in from across the country that schools will remain closed for the duration of the spring semester and won’t be reconvening until the next school year, many parents of students are understandably concerned about their kids falling behind or that they aren’t making the most of the situation for their students.

WACO, Texas (April 23, 2020) – A Baylor University marketing professor and advertising expert has created a list of brands and commercials she says are “stellar examples of empowered storytelling” during this time of pandemic.

WACO, Texas (April 22, 2020) – The work continues for staff in the Baylor University Counseling Center, who continue to serve hundreds of students, despite physical separation, social distancing and shelter-in-place mandates due to COVID-19.

WACO, Texas (April 20, 2020) – Amid the shelter-in-place mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic, diligent student caregivers in the Bill and Eva Williams Bear Habitat, a Class C Zoo, have maintained world-class supervision and protection of the University’s black bears, Judge Joy and Judge Lady.

WACO, Texas (April 17, 2020) – As couples and families shelter in place throughout the nation to slow the spread of COVID-19, they are navigating the unique combination of crisis, change and close quarters together.

WACO, Texas (April 16, 2020) – More than 330 Baylor University faculty and staff, who have volunteered as “Bear Care Coaches,” are reaching out to assigned groups of students each week to help them navigate the stresses of remote online education, being away from their peers and trying to adapt to a college experience disrupted by COVID-19.

Jeannie, BA ’95, and Dr. Daniel McGinnis, BA ’99, reside in Sheffield, England with their two children. Three of their four family members were diagnosed with COVID-19, with Jeannie experiencing a moderate (borderline severe) case.

WACO, Texas (April 15, 2020) – More than a month into physical distancing and troubleshooting the technical aspects of creating online worship services, many churches have pivoted from launching their services online to focusing on improving and cultivating the worship experience and community that their congregants are seeking.

WACO, Texas (April 14, 2020) – During this time of physical and social distancing, many Baylor University students who are learning online, off campus and in remote settings are battling the effects of isolation. Even though students aren’t on Baylor’s campus, that doesn’t mean campus isn’t finding ways to go to them.