Baylor in the News – April 2-8, 2023

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WACO, Texas (April 9, 2023) – Baylor University researchers and faculty experts were featured in national and local media stories as they shared their thoughts and expertise on an innovative treatment model for children with autism and their siblings, how smartphone usage impacts mental health and a pair of unusual ads about Jesus that aired during the Super Bowl.
April 3, 2023
The Dallas Morning News: NCAA: Jim Valvano and the improbable championship of North Carolina State in 1983
Thomas S. Hibbs, Ph.D., The J. Newton Rayzor Sr. Professor of Philosophy at Baylor and Dean Emeritus of the Honors College, writes about one of the greatest upsets in NCAA tournament basketball history, when North Carolina State beat the highly favored University of Houston, and Jim Valvano’s famous ESPY Awards speech.
Juicy Ecumenism: Seventeen Centuries of Sin
VIDEO: Paul Gutacker, Ph.D., director of the Brazos Fellows and lecturer in history at Baylor, discussed his book, The Old Faith in a New Nation: American Protestants and the Christian Past, particularly regarding how Protestants in America debated the issue of slavery.
April 4, 2023
Waco Tribune-Herald: Baylor honors its pioneering Black graduates with new bronzes
A crowd of about 400 gathered Tuesday in front of Baylor University’s Tidwell Bible Building for the unveiling of the statues of the Rev. Robert Gilbert and Barbara Walker, who in 1967 became the first Black graduates. The dedication was covered by other media outlets, including KXXV-TV, KCEN-TV, Baylor Lariat/LTVN, KWTX-TV, KWKT-TV, KWBU-FM, Baptist Standard and DIVERSE: Issues in Higher Education.
Deseret News: How basketball could boost your spiritual health
Paul Putz, Ph.D., assistant director of the Faith & Sports Institute at Baylor’s Truett Seminary, is mentioned in this article about his talk on the link between Christianity and basketball.
Episcopal News Service: Episcopal Writer and Theologian Greg Garrett Publishes New Novel, Bastille Day
Critically acclaimed Episcopal writer and Baylor English professor, Greg Garrett, Ph.D., takes readers on an international exploration of the human heart in his new novel, Bastille Day.
April 5, 2023
KXXV-TV (ABC/Waco): Baylor researchers look to find 'Sibling Success' in new autism spectrum program
VIDEO: Baylor School of Education researchers Jessica Akers, Ph.D., assistant professor of educational psychology, and research assistant, Janelle Carlson, are interviewed about a new program called Sibling SUCCESS (Supporting Unique Collaborative Care to Encourage Shared Success) that brings together children with autism and their siblings without autism in treatment programs.
Arizona Republic: Real atheists are taking on fake Christians during Easter weekend in Phoenix
Baylor communications professor and graduate program director Leslie Hahner, Ph.D., is quoted on this article on the effects of Christian nationalism.
Baptist News Global: Of Lent, Beth Moore and the role of women in church leadership
Baylor English professor Greg Garrett, Ph.D., returns to fiction writing in his new book “Bastille Day,” his fifth novel, but that doesn’t mean it’s no less an effort in truth-finding as his nonfiction books.
April 6, 2023
KWKT-TV (FOX/Waco): Baylor to receive $450K for more mental health services
Baylor University has been awarded a federal grant to train school counselors, social workers, psychologists and other mental health professionals.
PsyPost: Flow experiences on TikTok and Instagram linked to mental health issues
James A. Roberts, Ph.D., The Ben H. Williams Professor of Marketing in Baylor’s Hankamer School of Business, is quoted regarding his research in conjunction with Meredith E. David, Ph.D., associate professor of marketing, on the relationship between smartphone and social media use and psychological well-being.
April 7, 2023
Baylor Connections: Tracey Tevis
AUDIO: April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month nationally, and Baylor offers resources and programming to educate and serve students on topics like healthy relationships, boundaries, bystander intervention and more. Tracey Tevis serves as education and prevention specialist in Baylor’s Office of Equity, Civil Rights and Title IX. In this Baylor Connections, Tevis takes listeners inside resources, training opportunities and programming to support a healthy and safe campus community throughout the year.
1660 ESPN Radio (Waco): Interview with Barbara Walker
AUDIO: Barbara Walker, B.A. ’67, the first Black female graduate at Baylor, joins host Matt Mosley to talk about the unveiling Tuesday of statues honoring her and the late Rev. Robert Gilbert, her experience at Baylor, how her mother inspired her and more.
KWBU-FM (NPR/Waco): Churches Examine Smart Phone Use in the Pews
AUDIO: Smartphones are a big part of everyday lives, but are they necessary during church services? Baylor researchers have developed a new model that predicts whether churches have the intent to use smartphones during their services.
KWTX-TV (CBS/Waco): Baylor Law team wins nation Client Counseling Competition
VIDEO: Baylor Law’s student Client Counseling Team is all smiles after winning first place at nationals for the 2023 Client Counseling Competition and next week representing the U.S. at the international competition in the Netherlands.
April 8, 2023
The Wall Street Journal: Our Many Jesuses
Distinguished Baylor history professor Philip Jenkins, Ph.D., is quoted in this article regarding a pair of unusual ads about Jesus that aired during the Super Bowl telecast.
Baylor's Office of Media and Public Relations (M&PR) supports the University's Illuminate strategic plan as a top Christian research university by focusing on faculty research and expert opinions, innovative teaching, major awards and recognition, and community involvement. Through its media training workshops, the Baylor M&PR team develops faculty experts to effectively communicate the impact of their research or speak as subject-matter experts into national trends and conversations with media outlets, through Hot Topics and on the Baylor Connections podcast. Our faculty expert directory is available on the M&PR website.
Baylor University is a private Christian University and a nationally ranked Research 1 institution. The University provides a vibrant campus community for more than 20,000 students by blending interdisciplinary research with an international reputation for educational excellence and a faculty commitment to teaching and scholarship. Chartered in 1845 by the Republic of Texas through the efforts of Baptist pioneers, Baylor is the oldest continually operating University in Texas. Located in Waco, Baylor welcomes students from all 50 states and more than 100 countries to study a broad range of degrees among its 12 nationally recognized academic divisions.