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WACO, Texas (Jan. 17, 2020) – Baylor University and the Texas Business Journals today unveiled the results of a research partnership that provide insights from business leaders across the state.

WACO, Texas (Jan. 15, 2020) – Baylor University online graduate programs that lead to a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) in Leadership and Innovation are moving up in the U.S. News 2020 Best Online Programs rankings released Jan. 14.

WACO, Texas (Jan. 14, 2020) — Baylor University recently celebrated with six local community organizations at a ceremony in which more than $75,000 in grants were given to the nonprofits through the University’s “Philanthropy and the Public Good” course and its ongoing partnership with the Fort Worth-based Philanthropy Lab.

STILLWATER, Oklahoma (Jan. 14, 2020) – Baylor University President Linda Parrack Livingstone, Ph.D., of Waco is one of four Oklahoma State University graduates who are being inducted into the OSU Hall of Fame.

WACO, Texas (Jan. 6, 2020) – Baylor University Provost Nancy Brickhouse, Ph.D., announced today that Jeffry Archer, Associate Dean of User Services at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, will join Baylor University as Dean of University Libraries, effective June 1, 2020.

WACO, Texas (Dec. 18, 2019) — Forager-horticulturalist children in the Amazon rainforest do not spend more calories in their everyday lives than children in the United States, but they do spend calories differently. That finding provides clues for understanding and reversing global trends in obesity and poor metabolic health, according to a Baylor University researcher in a study published in Science Advances.

WACO, Texas (Dec. 13, 2019) – Marco Franco, a doctoral candidate in environmental science at Baylor University, has been awarded the 2020 Colgate-Palmolive Award for Student Research Training in Alternative Methods from the Society of Toxicology.

WACO, Texas (Dec. 09, 2019) – Preventing serious medical conditions typically requires patients to follow treatment plans, which may involve taking medication, exercising or following a diet. Although the effectiveness of these plans often depends on patients adhering to their treatment plan, around 50 percent of patients fail to adequately use those plans, studies show.

WACO, Texas (Dec. 9, 2019) – Lawson Sadler, a senior University Scholar at Baylor University from San Antonio, has been selected as one of 46 American university students to receive the prestigious 2020 Marshall Scholarship. The award announcement was made today by the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission, which includes eight regional committees who select the recipients.

WACO, Texas (Dec. 4, 2019) — Hundreds of environmental health professionals across the nation report challenges and research needs in six areas — drinking water quality, wastewater management, healthy homes, food safety, public health pests and emerging issues such as disaster risk reduction and new facility types for body art and cannabis-infused products — in research from Baylor University and partners.

WACO, Texas (Dec. 4, 2019) – Baylor University graduate Zane Zovak, B.A. ’18, has been named to the 2021 Class of Schwarzman Scholars, one of the world’s most prestigious graduate fellowships located at Schwarzman College at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.

WACO, Texas (Dec. 3, 2019) – Gabbi Mucerino, a senior political science major at Baylor University from Lakewood, Colorado, has been awarded a 2020 Charles B. Rangel Graduate Fellowship following a highly competitive nationwide contest. Mucerino is the first Baylor student to receive the Rangel Fellowship, which is funded by the U.S. Department of State and administered by Howard University and supports extraordinary individuals who want to pursue a career in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Department of State.

WACO, Texas (Dec. 2, 2019) – Americans travel farther on average to their worship places than they did a decade ago. But while those who belong to a congregation in their neighborhood attend more often, “worshipping local” does not make them feel closer to their neighbors or more satisfied with the neighborhood, according to a new study by researchers at Baylor University and Calvin University.

WACO, Texas (Dec. 2, 2019) – FOMO – aka the “fear of missing out” – can have a positive impact on well-being when it leads to social media use that increases social connections, according to a new Baylor University study.

WACO, Texas (Nov. 20, 2019) – Lake Victoria, the largest lake on the African continent and the largest tropical lake in the world, has the potential to dry up more quickly than researchers previously realized, and the White Nile tributary (the only outlet for Lake Victoria) could disappear within a decade, according to a new study published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

WACO, Texas (Nov. 14, 2019) – In this polarized time, when it requires little effort to tear a stranger apart on social media or lash out at a family member because of a difference of opinion, the gentle cadence of Fred Rogers singing a simple song about neighbors loving and helping each other is a welcome respite.

WACO, Texas (Nov. 13, 2019) – Baylor University offers one of the nation’s top entrepreneurship programs for students who aspire to launch their own businesses, according to the latest rankings released by The Princeton Review and Entrepreneur magazine. Baylor’s undergraduate entrepreneurship program in the Hankamer School of Business moved up to No. 5 among the nation’s Top 50 Best Undergraduate Schools for Entrepreneurship Studies for 2020.

WACO, Texas (Nov. 13, 2019) — Strong same-sex friendships among male firefighters can help cut down on their stress — but loving relationships with their wives may increase anxiety for those who constantly face danger, according to a Baylor University study.

WACO, Texas (Nov. 11, 2019) – Baylor University today announced the funding of a new endowed faculty position within the School of Engineering and Computer Science (ECS), becoming the third faculty position funded as part of the Baylor Academic Challenge matching program since its creation in May. The $1.5 million Mearse Endowed Chair in Biological and Biomedical Engineering, established by Bill and Tanya Mearse of Houston, Texas, will provide senior leadership for the emerging program within Baylor ECS.

WACO, Texas (Nov. 11, 2019) – The roles of daughters in the family structure and in society are difficult to define and they’re rarely understood – even by daughters themselves – said Allison Alford, Ph.D., clinical assistant professor of business communication in Baylor University’s Hankamer School of Business.

WACO, Texas (Nov. 6, 2019) – Education research and technology company EAB has honored Baylor University as a co-winner of the 2019 Student Success Collaborative-Technology Pioneer Award, which recognizes Baylor as an institution that consistently is on the leading edge when it comes to technology by testing new solutions to advance student success.

WACO, Texas (Nov. 1, 2019) – At its regular fall meeting, the Baylor University Board of Regents approved phase 1 design and fees for the Mark and Paula Hurd Welcome Center and the Baylor Basketball Pavilion and approved design and construction fees to fit-up shared research lab space for mechanical engineering in the Baylor Research and Innovation Collaborative (BRIC).

WACO, Texas (Oct. 23, 2019) – Baylor University has partnered with four Department of Energy laboratories and more than a dozen universities in a research alliance to address the nation’s water security issues through desalination and will share in a $100 million grant funding the project for five years.

WACO, Texas (Oct. 18, 2019) – Baylor University is mourning the death of distinguished Baylor alumnus Mark V. Hurd, B.B.A. ’79, CEO of Oracle and Vice Chair of the Baylor Board of Regents.

WACO, Texas (Oct. 16, 2019) — A small Bolivian society of indigenous forager-farmers, known for astonishingly healthy cardiovascular systems, is seeing a split in beliefs about what makes a good life. Some are holding more to the traditional — more family ties, hunting and knowledge of forest medicine — but others are starting to favor material wealth, a Baylor University study finds.

DALLAS, Texas (Oct. 15, 2019) – Baylor University’s Louise Herrington School of Nursing (LHSON) and Baylor Scott & White Research Institute have received funding from the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering of the National Institutes of Health to develop and study an immersive virtual reality simulator for nurses to train on safe medication administration practices.

WACO, Texas (Oct. 11, 2019) – Each of the three finalists for Baylor University’s 2020 Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching will present a public lecture on Baylor’s campus beginning Monday, Oct. 14.

WACO, Texas (Oct. 9, 2019) – Baylor University’s School of Engineering and Computer Science has been awarded a five-year, $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation’s Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics – or S-Stem – program for the School’s Engineering and Computer Science Scholars Program.

WACO, Texas (Oct. 7, 2019) – Baylor University has completed a contract extension with President Linda A. Livingstone, Ph.D., Board of Regents Chair Jerry K. Clements announced Monday.

WACO, Texas (Oct. 7, 2019) – More than 90 Baylor University faculty - including the University’s Newsmaker of the Year - who share their knowledge, research and expertise with the news media were honored Oct. 7 by Baylor Media and Public Relations during the second annual Newsmakers Luncheon.

WACO, Texas (Oct. 3, 2019) – Baylor University announced today the formation of a postdoctoral researcher hiring program to support and enhance research across the University. The postdoctoral hiring program will dramatically accelerate Baylor’s efforts to deliver top-level research marked by quality, visibility and impact through the planned addition of 65 professional researchers over the next three years.

WACO, Texas (Oct. 3, 2019) — A Baylor University researcher’s prototype smartphone app — designed to help parents detect early signs of various eye diseases in their children such as retinoblastoma, an aggressive pediatric eye cancer — has passed its first big test.

WACO, Texas (Oct. 2, 2019) – Baylor University has extended its contract with Vice President and Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Mack B. Rhoades IV, President Linda A. Livingstone, Ph.D., announced Wednesday.

WACO, Texas (Sept. 26, 2019) – The Walmart Foundation announced today that Baylor University’s Texas Hunger Initiative has received a $2.6 million grant to continue its work to end hunger in Texas. Since 2012, the Walmart Foundation has awarded THI $9.8 million in grant funding to support THI’s efforts to increase access to healthy food through learning labs, direct outreach, research and policy engagement.

WACO, Texas (Sept. 25, 2019) – As Baylor University moves toward Research 1/Tier 1 recognition among the nation’s top research universities, the University today is honoring all staff who work behind the scenes to support research across the campus on National Research Administrator Day, while also making sure the state of Texas knows about the University’s ambitious research aspirations.

WACO, Texas (Sept. 24, 2019) – Baylor University’s Texas Hunger Initiative has taken an important step this week in helping move the University towards its Research 1/Tier 1 aspirations with the announcement of a $5 million grant to expand access to food for students living in rural Texas communities.

WACO, Texas (Sept. 19, 2019) – Storytelling that educates and entertains – aka “edutainment” – is a powerful communications tool that can lead to positive health-related changes among multicultural millennials, according to a new marketing study from Baylor University.

WACO, Texas (Sept. 17, 2019) – Baylor University today announced the funding of two faculty positions under the institution’s new Baylor Academic Challenge matching program. The two $1.5 million gifts from Grady Rosier, president and CEO of the McLane Company Inc., and John and Nancy Jackson, who are Give Light National Campaign Steering Committee co-chairs, will create new faculty positions within the Hankamer School of Business and in support of the University’s Baylor in Latin America Initiative.

WACO, Texas (Sept. 16, 2019) - A group of forager-farmers in Bolivia’s tropical forests - known for having remarkable cardiovascular health and low blood pressure - experienced changes in body mass and diet over a nine-year period, with increased use of cooking oil being the most notable dietary change.

WACO, Texas (Sept. 16, 2019) – For the eighth time, Baylor University has attained elite Honor Roll status as a 2019 Great College to Work For, according to a new survey by The Great Colleges to Work For program.

WACO, Texas (Sept. 13, 2019) – Baylor University enrolled its most academically qualified freshman class in the institution’s history, while holding undergraduate enrollment steady and growing graduate and professional program enrollment, including in online programs, according to 12th class day statistics from Baylor’s Office of Institutional Research and Testing.

WACO, Texas (Sept. 9, 2019) – Baylor University is ranked No. 79 among National Universities – with several programs and opportunities for undergraduates highly rated – in the latest rankings for 2020 released today by U.S. News & World Report. In addition, Baylor was among the top universities for student engagement as measured by the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education College Ranking.

WACO, Texas (Sept. 5, 2019) – September is National Preparedness Month, and it serves as an opportune time to share information regarding safety and security with new and returning students, faculty and staff on campus.

WACO, Texas (Sept. 4, 2019) – For millions of football fans across the United States, fall is the time to break out the grills, load vehicles with coolers and food and games, and gather with friends for the time-honored tradition of tailgating.

WACO, Texas (Aug. 28, 2019) – At today’s regular Fall Faculty Meeting, Baylor University officially announced plans to pursue Research 1/Tier 1 (R1/T1) recognition by building on Illuminate, the University’s strategic plan, which will guide Baylor towards joining the nation’s top research universities and achieving status as the world’s preeminent Christian research university.

WACO, Texas (Aug. 23, 2019) — Caregivers of people with dementia lose between 2.5 to 3.5 hours of sleep weekly due to difficulty falling asleep and maintaining sleep — a negative for themselves and potentially for those who receive their care, Baylor University sleep researchers say.

WACO, Texas (Aug. 19, 2019) – Students and faculty who haven’t been on the Baylor University campus since May will return to find Interstate 35 alongside campus significantly different than when they last saw it. And with that, the campus community will have to employ a different mindset – be patient, alert, resilient and “Know Before You Go” – when traveling to and from campus, to the downtown side of the interstate and other areas in Waco.

WACO, Texas (Aug. 19, 2019) — Whether making the transition to college, starting a new job, ending a relationship or retiring, change can cause psychological stress, which in turn can make for wear and tear on the body. A new video series from Baylor University offers ways to cope.

WACO, Texas (Aug. 16, 2019) — New research published this week in JAMA Oncology, which includes contributions from a Baylor University undergraduate researcher, has found a lack of racial and ethnic diversity in clinical trials for cancer drugs.

WACO, Texas (Aug. 9, 2019) — From as far as Australia and as near as Scotland, scholars from all over the world recently gathered at Oxford University for the 2019 Baptist Scholars International Roundtable (BSIR) – co-directed by two Baylor University faculty members – which centered on the theme “Baptists and the Kingdom of God.”

WACO, Texas (Aug. 7, 2019) – Before several new chapels were built on campus, Miller Chapel in the iconic Tidwell Bible Building served for decades as Baylor University’s primary sacred space – and the location for hundreds, maybe even thousands, of Baylor weddings. As the University prepares for the renovation of Tidwell, Baylor will hold an open house from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 31, for members of the Baylor Family to celebrate their special connection to Miller Chapel.

WACO, Texas (July 30, 2019) – As density in cities increase along with other global megatrends, researchers are working to address environment and health challenges in collaborative ways.

WACO, Texas (July 25, 2019) – Supervisors driven by profits could actually be hurting their coveted bottom lines by losing the respect of their employees, who counter by withholding performance, according to a new study led by Baylor University.

WACO, Texas (July 24, 2019) — Faith Lee was a bit nervous about coming to Baylor University’s New Student Orientation without her parents. The incoming freshman journalism major was a long way from her home in Spartanburg, South Carolina, but all of her anxiety dissolved when she walked through the doors of historic Waco Hall at the start of Orientation.

WACO, Texas (July 23, 2019) — Second-grade teacher Katelyn Hamilton, B.S.Ed. ‘18, M.S.Ed. ‘19, described her first year of teaching as a “complete whirlwind.”

WACO, Texas (July 22, 2019) — Baylor University biology major Jacqueline Carroll spent her summer in the lab researching seed microbiomes, the microscopic organisms such as bacteria, fungi and archaea that live within the seed. She hopes her research will one day lead to increased crop production (minus the use of genetically modified organisms) and, ultimately, address world hunger.

WACO, Texas (July 19, 2019) – During its regular July retreat and summer meeting, the Baylor University Board of Regents celebrated the largest annual fundraising year in the University’s 174-year history, as members of the Baylor Family made $243 million in gifts and pledges during the 2018-19 fiscal year.

WACO, Texas (July 17, 2019) – Baylor University today announced that the philanthropic support of alumni, parents, students and friends during the recently completed fiscal year (June 1, 2018, to May 31, 2019) exceeded $243 million, a period coinciding with the successful public launch of the University’s $1.1 billion Give Light comprehensive philanthropic campaign.

A team led by a Baylor University researcher has published a breakthrough article that provides a better understanding of the dynamic process by which sunlight-induced DNA damage is recognized by the molecular repair machinery in cells as needing repair.

WACO, Texas (July 9, 2019) — A realization washed over Baylor baseball alum and Truett Seminary sports ministry student Case Smith during his junior high church camp.

WACO, Texas (June 26, 2019) – Baylor University today announced the installation of Jon Eckert, Ed.D., as the inaugural holder of The Lynda and Robert Copple Endowed Chair in Christian School Leadership within the School of Education. The installation was part of The Academy for Transformational Leadership, a continuing education and leadership training conference hosted by Baylor’s Center for Christian Education.

WACO, Texas (June 25, 2019) — People who care for their parents outside of their full-time jobs — and are unpaid for that help — experience considerable disruption of their workplace routines. Many are not getting employer support because it is not offered or because they do not feel able to use it, even if available, according to a Baylor University researcher.

WACO, Texas (June 25, 2019) — Baylor University Libraries has acquired a limited Heritage Edition of the Saint John’s Bible, the first hand-scripted, fully illuminated version of the Bible made on vellum since the creation of the printing press more than 500 years ago.

WACO, Texas (June 20, 2019) – It’s summertime. Hopefully, that means many will find more time to rest and crack open the pages of a book. And while it’s wonderful to celebrate new authors and new titles by grabbing the latest and greatest page-turning beach reads, it’s also appropriate to step back and look at literary classics, say American literature faculty in Baylor University’s department of English.

WACO, Texas (June 18, 2019) – Throughout the summer, Baylor Missions is sending nine teams of 130 Baylor University students, faculty, staff and friends to locations in Brazil, Guatemala, India, Peru, Uganda, Zambia and McAllen, Texas. Each Baylor Missions experience fosters informed global engagement that promotes the integration of faith with discipline-specific learning and hands-on service to contribute solutions to real-world challenges at home and abroad.

WACO, Texas (June 17, 2019) – Connally Elementary School in Waco is celebrating a new greenhouse and outdoor learning environment, thanks to the work of Stephanie C. Boddie, Ph.D., assistant professor of church and community ministries in Baylor University’s Diana R. Garland School of Social Work, and graduate students from the Baylor School of Education, George W. Truett Seminary and School of Engineering and Computer Science.

WACO, Texas (June 13, 2019) – The Black Gospel Music Restoration Project at Baylor University is preserving more than just gospel music. In the past few years, Baylor journalism professor and former Billboard gospel music editor Robert Darden and a team from the Baylor Libraries have undertaken the project of restoring and preserving recorded sermons from black preachers in addition to the gospel music. While both are equally important to preserve, finding sermons to preserve comes with a unique set of challenges.

WACO, Texas (June 10, 2019) — A mysterious large mass of material has been discovered beneath the largest crater in our solar system — the Moon’s South Pole-Aitken basin — and may contain metal from an asteroid that crashed into the Moon and formed the crater, according to a Baylor University study.

WACO, Texas (June 4, 2019) — As the 75th anniversary of the Normandy Invasion approaches, David A. Smith, Ph.D., author and senior lecturer of American history in Baylor’s College of Arts & Sciences, reviews the launching of the joint Allied invasion on France’s northern coast on June 6, 1944 — a crucial step in the plan to defeat Nazi Germany.

WACO, Texas (June 2, 2019) – In celebration of African American Music Appreciation Month in June, Baylor University journalism professor Robert F. Darden, former gospel music editor for Billboard Magazine and founder and director of Baylor’s Black Gospel Music Restoration Project, has compiled the “Heaven 11” – a list of the 11 most influential black gospel songs, from Freedom Songs to hit singles to the great old spirituals.

WACO, Texas (May 22, 2019) – This month, Baylor Missions is sending 15 teams of 247 students, faculty, staff and friends of Baylor University who will be integrating their faith with their academic disciplines and hands-on service at locations in Ecuador, England, Guatemala, Kenya, Romania, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Washington, D.C., and the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

WACO, Texas (May 22, 2019) — Belief in the “Prosperity Gospel” — that God financially blesses faithful followers — does not turn individuals into successful entrepreneurs. But prosperity beliefs can fuel values linked to entrepreneurial thinking, such as power and achievement, according to a Baylor University study.

WACO, Texas (May 20, 2019) – Today, the National Environmental Health Association’s (NEHA) Journal of Environmental Health published the article “Uncovering Environmental Health: An Initial Assessment of the Profession’s Health Department Workforce and Practice.”

WACO, Texas (May 17, 2019) – At its regular spring meeting, the Baylor University Board of Regents celebrated the historic $100 million gift for Baylor’s $1.1 billion Give Light comprehensive philanthropic campaign that undergirds Illuminate, the University’s strategic plan, and impacts every aspect of campus while also bolstering financial support for students and the priorities of Baylor’s 12 schools and colleges.

WACO, Texas (May 14, 2019) – Baylor University has partnered with four Department of Energy laboratories and more than a dozen universities in a research alliance to address the country’s water security issues through desalination.

WACO, Texas (May 13, 2019) – The Center for First-generation Student Success, an initiative of NASPA-Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and The Suder Foundation, recently announced that Baylor University has been selected among the Center’s inaugural cohort of First Forward Institutions.

WACO, Texas (May 13, 2019) – The movie-watching experience continues to evolve. And while directors wish all people could experience their movies on the silver screens in theaters, they know most people these days will be watching on the big screens in their living rooms or on the small screens in their hands.

WACO, Texas (May 4, 2019) – Baylor University today announced a transformational $100 million gift – the largest current gift in University history and the largest gift to date to the University’s $1.1 billion Give Light comprehensive philanthropic campaign. The gift is from an anonymous donor and will advance Baylor’s progress towards growth as a preeminent Christian research university, building on the University’s historic strengths and strategically investing in new areas of teaching, research and service.

WACO, Texas (May 2, 2019) — A Baylor University study published in Science, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, found that recent hybridization of the Gulf killifish — a large minnow common in the heavily polluted Houston Ship Channel — has enabled the species to adapt rapidly to extreme pollution.

WACO, Texas (April 30, 2019) – Seniors in Baylor University’s department of computer science will debut a video game they developed in the program’s gaming capstone course during an open house from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, May 3, in Bennett Auditorium (Room 130) in the Draper Academic Building, 1400 S. Seventh St., on the Baylor campus.

HOUSTON (April 30, 2019) – Baylor University announced today that it has received $483,940 from ExxonMobil and its employees through the ExxonMobil Foundation’s 2018 Educational Matching Gift Program.

WACO, Texas (April 26, 2019) – Baylor Law dedicated the Charles E. Wallace Family Courtyard at the Sheila and Walter Umphrey Law Center today in the memory of distinguished Waco lawyer Charles “Chuck” Wallace. The Wallace Family Courtyard was named in appreciation for a $2 million gift from Sherri W. and Robert “Bobby” L. Patton Jr. of Fort Worth in memory of Sherri’s father and in honor of her mother, Sandra Stoesser Wallace. In addition to enhancements to the courtyard, the gift helps underwrite the legal writing and pro bono programs within the nationally ranked

WACO, Texas (April 26, 2019) – With more than 450 students dedicating at least part of the summer to impacting young people across the country through ministry camps, Baylor University demonstrated its gratitude for their commitment at the second annual Camp Counselor Commissioning Ceremony April 24 in the Barfield Drawing Room of the Bill Daniel Student Center. At the ceremony – which included remarks from former camp counselors Baylor President Linda A. Livingstone, Ph.D., and First Gent Brad Livingstone – students represented dozens of camps from coast to coast and across the globe.

WACO, Texas (April 25, 2019) – Baylor University today announced a $15 million leadership gift from The Sunderland Foundation of Overland Park, Kansas, that will provide significant support for one of the University’s highest priority endeavors within its $1.1 billion Give Light philanthropic campaign: the renovation and restoration of the iconic Tidwell Bible Building. The project is among the nearly $300 million in capital improvements planned as part of the campaign that will support Illuminate, the University’s academic strategic plan.

WACO, Texas (April 24, 2019) — A new chemical synthesis strategy to harvest the rich information found in natural products — organic compounds isolated from natural sources — has led to the identification of novel, simpler derivatives with potential to selectively protect neurons, important for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, or to prevent the body’s immune system from rejecting organ transplants, according to a Baylor University-led study.

WACO, Texas (April 17, 2019) – Baylor University’s First In Line program, which provides resources to first-generation college students to support student success at Baylor and beyond, partnered with Baylor Missions over spring break on a new missions experience that sent a team of 25 first-generation students and two staff members to Santiago, Dominican Republic.

WACO, Texas (April 16, 2019) – Over spring break, Baylor University sent 10 teams around the world for various mission trips to integrate faith with academic disciplines and hands-on service and participate in global engagement. Four of those teams centered on health care for underserved communities while serving in the Dominican Republic, Colombia and Peru.

WACO, Texas (April 15, 2019) – Baylor University today unveiled a new brand identity strategy that unites all of the institution’s colleges, schools, divisions and athletics under a single logo.

WACO, Texas (April 15, 2019) — The discovery of an ancient painted vase, which bears one of the longest hieroglyphic texts uncovered in the Central America lowlands, is offering new clues into the mysterious breakdown of ancient Maya civilization, says a Baylor University scholar who led the excavation.

WACO, Texas (April 11, 2019) – Seven Baylor University students have been selected to receive prestigious Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards, including awards for international graduate study and as English Teaching Assistants (ETA) in classrooms worldwide. The seven Fulbrights are the most ever for Baylor in a single year.

WACO, Texas (April 11, 2019) – As 10 teams of Baylor University students, faculty, staff and friends embarked over spring break on Baylor Missions throughout the world, one new journey allowed students to combine their faith and academic disciplines on a first-ever trip to Japan.

WACO, Texas (April 10, 2019) – Gospel music takes the pulpit at 2nd & Clay (former St. James Methodist Church) with the fourth annual Voices & Vinyl concert at 7 p.m. Monday, April 15. This year’s concert – sponsored by the Baylor University Libraries and its Black Gospel Music Restoration Project (BGMRP) – will celebrate the “Golden Age of Gospel” music (1945-1975) and its history and impact on the modern music landscape. The event is free and open to the public.

WACO, Texas (April 5, 2019) – The Baylor University School of Education hosted a mission trip over spring break to San Jose, Costa Rica, taking a group of 19 students – including a Baylor pre-business major who grew up in the community he returned to serve – and faculty members to work in an elementary school and high school in the rural community of Santa Elena.

WACO, Texas (April 3, 2019) – Baylor University honored seven staff members for outstanding service and pursuit of excellence in their work with the presentation of Outstanding Staff Awards, including the BaylorPLUS Salute and inaugural Distinguished Staff Leadership Awards, during the Spring Staff Forum March 26 in the Cashion Academic Center.

WACO, Texas (April 2, 2019) – Research and creative works from hundreds of Baylor University students will be on display April 1-5, during the annual URSA Scholars Week, a celebration of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Achievement (URSA).

WACO, Texas (April 1, 2019) – Baylor University again has joined universities and communities around the country to increase public awareness and prevention education about sexual assault and interpersonal violence during Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM).

WACO, Texas (April 1, 2019) – The 25th anniversary of Baylor University’s Beall Poetry Festival will host winners of the National Book Award for Poetry and PEN USA Award for Poetry, along with the first Latino U.S. poet laureate for a three-day event highlighting contemporary poetry.

WACO, Texas (March 28, 2019) – Three preeminent scholar/teachers from U.S. universities have been selected as finalists for Baylor University's 2020 Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching, the only national teaching award – with the single largest monetary reward of $250,000 – presented by a college or university to an individual for exceptional teaching. The winning professor will be announced by Baylor in spring 2020.

WACO, Texas (March 20, 2019) – Bryan W. Brooks, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Environmental Science and Biomedical Studies in Baylor’s College of Arts & Sciences, received international recognition for his contributions and scholarly research on environmental sustainability.

WACO, Texas (March 21, 2019) – Jane Damron, Ph.D., senior lecturer in the department of communication in Baylor University’s College of Arts & Sciences, has been selected as the 2019 Collins Outstanding Professor, an honor voted on annually by the senior class.